November 15, 2006
Yes, we know it's an old house

We are now running in circles between the inspectors, the insurance companies and the mortgage guys.

It's simple. The mortgage guys won't give us a mortgage without insurance. The insurance guys won't insure the kind of wiring we have in the house. The inspector? He sees no problem with it.

Grr. All of this means that we can't get money from the seller because we are going to get a CO but we can't get insurance because the house doesn't pass.

I never want to hear the words "knob and tube" again.

We're looking into high risk insurance and into having the whole house rewired. Both options are sucking every last penny from our pockets.

And all of this has to be done through spokespeople because the whole world might collapse if we had just one direct conversation.**

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michelle | 10:57 AM | trackback (0)