October 23, 2006
house updates

We had a good weekend. A fall weekend. We spent Saturday watching C's team hold their own against the first place team. Yes, they lost. But they played hard and played well and a team that had 10 run ruled them last time was held to 3 hits. C's 19 game hitting streak came to an end but he still got on base. And he looked great behind the plate, picking up a bunt to get a runner at first and stealing an in the park home run away from the other team with a bang-bang play at the plate. Good day.

Yesterday was spent at my parent's house for my sister's b-day. We don't spend nearly enough time there so it was good to just hang out a bit.

Today? Today we do Monday catch up. We try and catch up from a weekend of running around and doing nothing.

The weekend also included a minor breakdown for me when I saw that the house we are bidding on was having an open house. I know, rationally that this was scheduled before we bid and that we aren't under contract yet, but emotionally I am just not that together. I want this house. I know it is good for my family and I hate anything that jeopardizes my family getting this house.

This afternoon we have another walk through and we place another counter offer. The difference today is that the boys are going to get a chance to go through with us. They're excited. I'm a mess. I just want to close the deal and move on.

michelle | 08:54 AM | trackback (0)