October 19, 2006
checks and balances

While this housebuying craziness is making me tense and I am sure my blood pressure will be a tad on the high side (that will make it actually normal!), it does have some benefits.

Too stressed and busy to eat means my skinny(ish) jeans are fitting again.

House within walking distance means multiple daily walks with the pups. By the time we move people will think I either have lived there for a long while or I am a crazy stalker.

See? House buying can be good for your health.

Nope. No word yet. The bid was submitted with a 48 hour window so I am sure that we will hear something one way or another by tonight. At this point I am sure we are going to be making counteroffers for a while still. But...I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed.

michelle | 12:34 PM | trackback (0)