February 08, 2005
thank you horshack

i was sitting in my brit lit. yes, i am already feeling a bit snarky, it's in the air. we are reading second class citizen so bring on the anticipated questions of gender, socio-economic standing, race, language, etc.

class is puttering by (this professor has no idea how to engage students). and then an interesting thing happens. argument.

not just argument, but revenge inspired argument. there are two students in the class that feel compelled to speak, no lecture, ad nauseum, throughout the class. all day, every day. and today...they were wrong. blatantly wrong in a "please stop it's painful" kind of way. so the arguments begin and the class gets exciting and out of the control of the pointy professor and then over my left shoulder i hear:

"oooh! ooh! me! call on me! i have a point! oooh! oooh! ooh!"

by the time we got to him we were laughing so hard we couldn't hear his incredibly off-topic and nonsensical point. but honestly, when was the last time someone "oooh'd" in class?

michelle | 12:04 PM | trackback (0)