November 09, 2004
glass houses and all that

perhaps small men who are wearing the same scoop-neck purple sweater vest for the fourth week in a row should not mock others? hmmm.

and perhaps small-minded, egotistical, condescending failed artists shouldn't grade essays according to how many sentences there are and/or if people used words that small brained professors had to look up in a dusty dictionary that they haven't seen in years.

and perhaps little gray haired men who slurp and chew while they are teaching by slideshow and video tape should just assign papers if they feel the urge instead of creating a bullshit need for extra credit by grading without any basis in reality.

wanna guess who got a B+ on a midterm?

vodka martini please. shaken, not stirred with a cherry instead of an olive. hey! it's my drink. leave me alone. i am in no mood for nasty olives this evening.

michelle | 11:12 PM | trackback (0)