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November 03, 2008

From the Stacks Challenge 08?

Well....this blog is kind of like a shelf of favorite books that has sat too long collecting dust. Things around here have been crazy. And I lost my reading mojo for a while there. I started knitting as well and since I can't do both at the same time--or thought I couldn't--the books just sat.

And, to top it all off, the challenge didn't get started. I'm not sure who is still out there but let's start off with two things.

First off, I'm looking for one or two new reviewers for the site. My good friend posting as In Repair has been shouldering most of the reviews for quite some time. Thank goodness for that since I have been a slacker. I would like to keep things hopping here and provide a good resource for people looking for reviews and recommendations. I am also going to start adding ratings to the categories so that you can search by rating. Bear with me, I'm working it out.

Next, let's throw the From the Stacks Challenge back out there. This time I am adding an addendum for classics and favorites. So in addition to reading books that you have been meaning to read that haven't been read, books that you have been meaning to reread will count this year.

From the Stacks Challenge 08
The basic rules are the same:

If you are anything like me your stack of purchased to-be-read books is teetering over. So for this challenge we would be reading 5 books that we have already purchased, have been meaning to get to, have been sitting on the nightstand and haven't read before. No going out and buying new books. No getting sidetracked by the lure of the holiday bookstore displays.

The bonus would be that we would finally get to some of those titles (you know you picked them for a reason!) and we wouldn't be spending any extra money over the holidays.

The time frame would be Nov. 1st until Jan. 30 and there will be some small, fun prizes awarded to random participants and/or those with clever review posts.

What do you think? Sound good? Just sign up and spread the word. Please post your list of books on your blog. If you don't have a blog or just want to share, you can post them in the comments here. Thanks!


C'mon! It's fun and we got a lot of reading from the TBR pile done last year. Plus, it saves money heading into the holiday season. So, who's in?

(Trying out a new auto-link widget. Just enter your name and your blog in the form and you'll be added to the list. This way we'll have a great list of readers and readers' blogs to wander through! Don't forget to either leave your list in the comments so it's easy for everyone to see or post your list on your site. Hopefully this will run smoothly!)

(If you don't see the autolink entry form here please go to the main page and scroll down until you see it. Thanks!)

Next up--the book club will return with a new format after the holidays. Please email suggestions for future book club books to me. We'll be posting all the idea, rules, suggested books, soon.

Posted by michelle at November 3, 2008 09:32 AM

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