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November 01, 2006

Reading Challenge

(If you haven't joined in talk about The Thirteenth Tale feel free to hop in any time below.)

I really enjoyed the RIP Reading Challenge and have been looking around for a new winter challenge.

In lieu of finding an already existing challenge we could try offering up one of our own.

My suggestion? From the Stacks Winter Challenge

If you are anything like me your stack of purchased to-be-read books is teetering over. So for this challenge we would be reading 5 books that we have already purchased, have been meaning to get to, have been sitting on the nightstand and haven't read before. No going out and buying new books. No getting sidetracked by the lure of the holiday bookstore displays.

The bonus would be that we would finally get to some of those titles (you know you picked them for a reason!) and we wouldn't be spending any extra money over the holidays.

The time frame would be Nov. 1st until Jan. 30 and there will be some small, fun prizes awarded to random participants and/or those with clever review posts. There will be one random drawing for a prize to those who submit their list of books in the comment section by Nov. 15th but feel free to join any time. There will be another random drawing for those who submit five reviews by Jan. 30 for a small gift certificate to Amazon.

What do you think? Sound good? Just post in the comments to sign up and spread the word.

(Clever little button still in the works)
on edit:

A button!! Maybe I will try and come up with a few others as well, but for now here's a little From The Stacks button for your blog. Anyone creative out there want to take a shot at other buttons? Help is always welcome.


Posted by michelle at November 1, 2006 09:24 AM