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December 18, 2008

Keeping the Yule in Yuletide

Friends of ours recently opened a small local business. Well, not so much friends as people we know through baseball. And at this small little business, in the brisk winter season, they have a tree lot.

We thought it would be nice to get our tree from there.

Here's the catch. As I drove by yesterday, eyeing up the trees and seeing which one might want to spend the season in my living room, I saw a large sign out by the road.

"Keep Christ in Christmas"

We'll skip over my rants and tirades and the fact that the tree is the least Christian symbol of the season. I have no problem whatsoever with them having that sign out. That's what they believe, whether or not I support it, not a problem. But....you knew there was a but....do I want to buy my tree there? Am I going to back up what I believe and go somewhere else? Do I ignore it because we want to support them or support their right to their beliefs but skidaddle on over to the less in your face tree stand?

I'm thinking we go elsewhere. Quietly. No nonsense, no judging, just elsewhere for our yuletide decorations.

Posted by michelle at 03:20 PM | Comments (0)