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August 10, 2005

You’re so vain you probably think this post is about you,

There once was a man who took it upon himself to search his wife’s blog. He didn’t read any of the deep philosophical posts such as the one where she discovers that she is in fact Susan Kennedy from Neighbours, he only read the posts which held a reference to some variation of his own name.
When he finished he slumped in front of Newsnight, lit a cigarette and with a despondency that almost melted his wife’s heart, he proclaimed, ‘You paint me as someone who sits in front of the TV, smoking, drinking and moaning about everything.’
They both sat and pondered for a moment and then to break the silence, his wife rose and announced that she was going to the kitchen to make herself a cup of cocoa. Would he like anything?
To which he finished exhaling and replied with another question.
‘There isn’t any beer left in the fridge is there?’

Clouds in my coffee indeed.

Posted by purple elephant at August 10, 2005 08:28 AM